Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Brazilian Soccer Schools Burlington Player Receives Recognition

Brazilian Soccer Schools Burlington is pleased to announce that Daniel Mun, aged 9, has been invited to join the Hamilton and District development program. The program is for players U12 (aged 11) and it is a credit to Daniel’s ability that he has been selected for this program at such a young age. This program is the first step towards graduating to the Ontario provincial program at aged 13. From there, players in Canada then work towards selection for the national programs.

Daniel’s father, Abraham, has been complimentary about the role that Brazilian Soccer Schools Burlington has played in Daniel’s ongoing development.

“Daniel is 9 years old and has been attending BSS sessions 2-3 times/week with Ian McClurg and his coaching staff. Thanks to this training, he was recently selected for the District program. We strongly recommend this program to other players trying to improve their soccer skills”

Brazilian Soccer Schools Burlington is currently training over 150 players/week after launching in Canada only 15 months ago. It continues to grow with the addition of after-schools, adult leagues and other community-based programs and is on track to reach their target of 200 players/week by the end of 2010.

However, Ian McClurg feels that they are only beginning to scratch the surface. “Daniel’s recent success is very much deserved. He has a real passion for the game and is at this level because he has trained with intensity for 3 times/week, since last summer. Other young players must recognize that Daniel has earned this through hard-work and perseverance. He always wants to learn and get better and there is much more to come from him and our other players in the coming months. We are only starting!”

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